About us


WAAFP was founded in September 2021 by I Mr. Maker in Kuajok. After Spending some time traveling and studying abroad, I came back to my home state where I embarked on a sightseeing tour of many parts of the state focusing primarily on the agricultural sector, there have been several improvements over the few years since I left, however, there is still a lot more room for improvement, I found out that many farmers are still using backbreaking medieval equipment such as hoes for tilling the land, ox plows are also still being used widely, they are better than hand digging tools but often prove unreliable. There has also been a decline in crop yields due to mismanagement of farmland that leads to decreased soil fertility, in some parts of the state, farmers are harvesting less and less quantity of crops every year causing some fields to be abandoned altogether.   

There is still a lot of storage issues, crops that are harvested are sometimes destroyed by pests and diseases in the granaries, rodents, weevils and many other pests destroy a lot of improperly stored crops. And sometimes during heavy rains and seasonal flooding, the granaries become dump, this wet season allows fungus to invade the granaries and destroy food crops. I Mr. Makeer saw that there needs to be better storage methods to reduce food wastage, if enough investment is done to upgrade the traditional storage methods to the modern standards where silos are huge air tight containers made of either Concrete or steel, therefore no bad weather conditions on the outside can destroy the crops nor will any storage pests manage to reach the crops due to excellent protection.

There is also a huge demand for food crops in the big cities such as Juba, Wau and Malakal. Fresh Vegetables are especially rare commodities at the food stalls in these areas. A lot of fresh Fruits and vegetables consumed in the country are imported from East African countries like Uganda and Tanzania, because of the long distance they are being transported across and constant delays along the journey, they sometimes arrive spoilt. Receiving a truck full of rotten Onions or Tomatoes has become a very common story in many places of South Sudan these days, and South Sudanese are getting used to it. Perishable goods are best grown close to the Markets so that they can always reach the consumers while still fresh. Right now, there are very few farmers in Warrap state that are involved in the growing of fruits and vegetables, the supply is very low while the demand is extremely high, this leads to simple vegetables being sold at predatory market prices. I Mr. Makeer therefore Saw a market gap that needed to be filled. To improve productivity where it is needed.

Ignorance also plays a role in the current unproductive nature of the state, a lot of farmers are not aware of food crops that are grown and consumed in many other parts of the world especially in big cities. Creating awareness among the Farming community will go a long way to diversifying their economic prospects.



Our mission 

-To Promote agro-ecological principles and rural entrepreneurship through capacity development and exchange of quality farmer. 

Our Vision

-Improved rural livelihood and sustainable food system in Warrap State as well as South Sudan at Large. 

Our Goals/Objectives

Objective1: Investing in modern farming equipment, agricultural machinery increases productivity due to their efficiency, they also reduce the cost of production which will increase our profit margins.

Objective 2: Building robust storage silos that protect crops from all elements of the environment such as bad weather and Pests.

Objective 3: Equipping our partner farmers with the most appropriate up to date farming best practices to increase their yields and reduce wastage.

Objective 4: Expanding the market for the locally produced crops So that farmers as well as the community can develop as a whole.

Objective 5: To introduce new food crops and promote secondary production farming seasons.

Objective 6: To become a leading farming & agricultural production organization which will be in a position to provide different kinds of vegetables as well as cereals crops.

Objective 7: To empower the Youth

Objective 8: To create job opportunities for all

Our Core Values

-Maintaining a flexible operations in the community 

-Preserving Respect between community members

-Sticking to our commitments throughout the journey 

-Preserving trust and integrity within the community


-Remaining reliable at all times and always available to provide support whenever needed

-Maintaining cohesiveness and co-operation among all members of the community

-Preservation of traditional knowledge of farming such as crop rotation and mixed farming

The Farming Categories We Are Involved In

First and foremost, we are involved in the Production, distribution and Consumption of;

·         Cereals

·         Legumes

·         Nuts

·         Roots & Tubers

·         Fruits and Vegetables

These are our primary Source of Income. We work with farmers who tend to their fields, after the grains are harvested, they are loaded onto the trucks of suppliers who transport them to the markets and sold to consumers by retailers.


our features

for convenience of choice


delivery to all location


best qualty products



Founder's Message


Founder & c.e.o

'' Hard work Pays,  with the right amount of Patience and effort, everything is possible in this world, I would like to encourage all our organization's team members, partners and friends  to put in their best effort as we go through this journey.  A great adventure awaits us ahead, I encourage all the young people of this beautiful country to continue working on their dreams for it's only when you put into practice what you have learned in school that miracles get to happen.

Let us get our hands dirty by tilling the land of our forefathers, and we shall enjoy the fruits it bears. I know a lot of young people today only want to work in white collar jobs in the big cities like Juba, and are ashamed to go into the countryside to work on the land. they have developed very negative perceptions about traditional farming, but times have changed, today we have technologies that make your work easier and increases a farmer's revenue, when you are equipped with excellent farming tools such as machinery you don't need to wait for an office job anymore,

Let us join hands to help build this wonderful country that God has given us.  ''